Orbán Viktor: What we doing in Hungary and what we try to convince the people, please be involved and support that, is not the reforms or certain decisions and instrument, what we try to convince about them is that we have to reorganise the whole country. So we introduced a flat tax system. We created a totally new pension system. Then we introduced the ten percent small and medium sized companies' taxation level. ... Then we convinced the people that they had to leave one months' salary per year. One month's salary is out. One month's pension is out.
A miniszterelnök szerint tehát: "Meggyőztük az embereket, hogy mondjanak le évente egyhavi fizetésükről. Egyhavi fizetés nincs. Egyhavi nyugdíj nincs."
Orbán a 13. havi bér és nyugdíj elvételével henceg - amit Bajnaiék csináltak és Orbán vissza akart csinálni.