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Friss topikok


2011.05.14. 22:54 Kormánykrónikás

Kérdések az ENSZ-ben

Címkék: média eu országimázs demokrácia alkotmány jogállam


Sweden would like to ask the Government of Hungary to elaborate on what measures it is taking to prevent and combat discrimination as well as racially motivated crimes against Roma people?
Sweden would also like to ask the Government of Hungary about what further actions it is taking in regard to combating domestic violence?


Could the delegation elaborate on plans and policies towards stimulating the Roma communities to emancipate in a way that stimulates enrollment and lowers drop-out rates especially among Roma women and girls? And how will the Government ensure that local governments will spend the available money for education in an equitable way?

One of the challenges in the field of education is to ensure the same level of educational quality in the whole country. Could the delegation elaborate on measures to create such equality and eliminate regional differences?

We received reports of recent marches by paramilitary groups, linked to Jobbik in villages and settlements with Roma inhabitants. The Hungarian government has made clear that they will do everything to prevent harassments and provocations to local residents in these villages. From reports in villages like Gyöngyöspata and Hajdúhadház, it appears that despite these intentions and the presence of police, there were incidents where in particular Roma people were intimidated and vocally harassed. How does the Government intend to prevent further harassment and intimidation by paramilitary groups?

Human Trafficking
What are the Governments plans to combat human trafficking and how does it cooperate with third countries in this field? Does the Government plan to install a National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings?

Media law
How will the Government engage with the UN, OSCE and other international organizations and bodies to ensure that their concerns regarding the media law are being dealt with?
Domestic violence
Does the Government consider to adopt specific legislation that prohibits domestic violence and marital rape?
Could the delegation elaborate on plans for adopting legislation with a definition of discrimination against women in accordance with CEDAW?

Concerns have been voiced over the new media legislation in Hungary with regards to editorial freedom and independent press. Which steps are taken to address these concerns?
What are the main reasons for reorganizing the structure of the Ombudsmans Office and how will the subordination of the Ombudsman for National and Ethnic Minority Rights to the new Ombudsmans office affect the efforts in this important area?

How is the government dealing with the issue of discrimination against the Roma minority and what is being done to ensure justice to victims of Roma hate crimes ?

In the new Constitution of Hungary, there are references to marriage, defined as an institution between a man and a woman, and the protection of life starting from conception. What will be the direct impact of these stipulations on individual human rights (e.g. the equal treatment of individuals regardless of sexual orientation or womens right to self-determination) in the legal/judicial practice?

How is the Hungarian government addressing issues of inequality between men and women, especially reflected in the labour market, difference in wages, as well as under-representation of women in politics and high-level positions?

Is the Government of Hungary considering adopting a comprehensive gender equality law, which provides a definition of discrimination against women in accordance with the Convention?

Is the Government of Hungary considering adopting specific legislation that prohibits domestic violence and spousal rape?
How is the Government of Hungary preventing disrespect for and discrimination against people based on their sexual preference?

We welcome Hungarys voluntary pledge to the Human Rights Council and Minister of Interiors official recommendation to the Government to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Could you please elaborate further on the current state of play of the ratification?

Does the Government of Hungary consider establishing a national human rights institution according to the Paris Principles?

Committee against Torture observed that all elements of the definition of torture as provided by article 1 of the Convention on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment were still not included in the Criminal Code. What steps have been taken to bring the national law into conformity with the Convention?

UNHCR noted that Hungary imposed prolonged periods of administrative detention on asylum-seekers without providing them with effective remedies to challenge such detention. It stated that asylum-seekers were increasingly kept in administrative detention beyond the legal limit of 15 days and since April 2010 detention of asylum-seekers had become the rule rather than the exception. What measure have been taken in order to avoid prolongation of administrative detention of asylum-seekers during which they are deprived of freedom of movement and against which asylum-seekers lack effective remedies?

In 2010, WHO stated that the health status of the population was poor compared to its socioeconomic development, with the leading causes of death comprising diseases that could be prevented by screening or early diagnosis. How the right to health is ensured?
The Czech Republic is concerned that there has been a rise of serious, sometimes deadly, attacks against the Roma population since 2008. How does Hungary ensure that racially motivated violence and other hate crimes are fully and effectively investigated and that those reasonably suspected of responsibility are prosecuted?

CoE ECRI stated that incidents of vandalism against synagogues and Jewish cemeteries were not uncommon and that the expression of anti-Semitic views was on the rise. How does the Government of Hungary address all manifestations of anti-Semitism?

Does Hungary intend to amend the legislation to ensure access to a lawyer as from the very outset of deprivation of liberty?

Does the Government of Hungary foresee to develop in the near future an action plan and take additional measures to combat and prevent racist incidents and hate crimes?

What measures are being taken to ensure that members of the Romani community, as well as members of other vulnerable groups, are protected from violence and attacks?

Which steps are being taken by the Government of Hungary to respect the principle of non-refoulement and to ensure that no migrants are sent back to countries where they are at risk of serious human rights violations?

What are the measures taken by the Government of Hungary to prevent discriminations against people with disabilities, women, and LGBT people?

What further measures does the Government of Hungary intend to implement to ensure the conformity of the new media law with Human Rights, in particular freedom of opinion and expression, as well as the independence and impartiality of the regulatory body empowered to apply the law?

We would be grateful if you could provide information on the concrete and long term measures your country intends to take to promote the integration of the Roma.

Please could you provide information on the measures taken to tackle extremist violence and harsh rhetoric against ethnic and religious minority groups and information on any future initiatives?

Please could you tell us what steps the Government has taken to promote equality and inclusion for members of the LGBT community in your society? What additional steps do you intend to introduce?

With respect to the Media Law, we would be grateful if you could explain what steps are being taken to ensure the impartiality and independence of the Media Council and the position of Head of the Media Authority.

Szólj hozzá!

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